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Prices are calculated based on a number of factors, we can visit your home to provide an accurate quotation, or alternatively and most commonly we can provide an estimation over the phone/text or email. 
We will accurately measure the area's to be cleaned upon arrival on the day of the clean and give the exact price using our laser measure. 

Factors include:

• sizing of rooms, along with moving or working around furniture 

• condition of the carpet and carpet type

• soiling type and level- any stains/odours etc.

• location, access and parking at your property (Parking at the property is required at all cleans)

• number of rooms, upholstery items to be cleaned

• type of clean required I.e., standard deep clean, stain protection, odour removal.
(All stain protection, odour treatments and pest treatments are charged extra)


Please feel free to give us a call for a friendly chat to discuss your requirements on 07919-115516

Parking must be available at the property.

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